“Whatever Happened to ‘We?'”

I’ve been asking myself this question awhile now, mostly while reading recent novels where “they” suddenly crops up in a description and it takes me by surprise, throws me out of the writer’s spell, and makes me start questioning myself, my education, and my motives.

It’s pretty clear from this cartoon, that Gary Trudeau and the rest of the Doonesbury gang have been considering the word and the situation and the times we live in much more thoroughly than I ever could.

Because, as you’ll see here in this strip published Sunday, November 6th, they’ve come to the perfect conclusion.

(Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 06, 2022 via GoComics.Com)

When sarcasm/irony work, they really work!

Check out more Doonesbury HERE

GoComics is HERE

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