As Close as I can come to a Thought for Today

by LB

Reading and then posting last week’s “Live! From Paradise!” about the death of Rosie the Romantic young mare brought back so many strong memories and feelings that I haven’t been able to bring myself to even look at what happened (“happens?”) next in the column. And I admit that at this time I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to go back to the final 20 or so episodes.

In other words, it turns out I have more old pain to deal with than I ever suspected. My apologies to those who’ve been following the story of Gwendolyn L. Brody‘s and my Ozarks education, adventures, and misadventures. I do believe that I can safely tell you that as soon as I know I’m ready to continue the project, so will you all.

For now, I offer everyone this bit of more worldly wisdom from cartoonist John Hambrock via Comics Kingdom:



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