Why I will never say “Happy Thanksgiving!”

(via gocomics.com)

The good news is that I recently learned that the historical bit about the U.S. Army deliberately giving the tribes on the trail of tears contaminated blankets is a myth.

The bad news is that our Thanksgiving is also a myth, which I believe most people know but celebrate anyway. Let’s face it, if the new arrivals and the long-established Indian People of the Americas had really made nice to each other in early days, everything here would be a hell of a lot different.

The cartoon at the top of this page is the only way I can let myself acknowledge what this day is. Humor may not be the meaning of life, but it sure as hell helps us through it.

(via good ole GoComics.Com)


Life in a World of Overwhelming Stress

(via boomermagazine.com https://www.boomermagazine.com/danger-will-robinson-a-memoir/)

Uh-oh…my home computer, an Asus gaming laptop, just messaged me that I need to reboot because of changes made to its system by Microsoft. The same message also alerted me to the fact that Asus’ proprietary sysmanager, AKA “My Asus” is up to date and doesn’t need to change.

At the same time those messages arrived I received an email from Facebook saying they were changing their terms and conditions of use, which to me means, “Danger! Danger!”

For reasons beyond my current capacity to understand, rebooting at this junction seems terrifying to me now. What to do, what to do…?

Oh, wait, wait, it’s not over yet. I just asked Co-Pilot to create an image I could use to close this short post. Here’s its reply:

Stressfully yours,