Recently – like since the various dawns of publishing, films, and TV – it’s become a common joke – or maybe wisdom – that deep in our hearts all of us believe we’re writers/creators. Today’s Dennis the Menace shakes that up a bit, and I tend to agree with the result. Not only are we all creators, we’re also characters in what some other-dimensional/other delusional amateur has created.
Yeppers, kids, the pic above says it all. Well, almost all. In my experience this reaction to a film/tv/streaming series or show not only comes from envious people in the biz but also from envious audiences because when you get down to it, nobody loves a winner while they feel like they, at the very best, are running in place.
Come to think of it, most of the winners I’ve known don’t even love themselves. They’re too aware of how much luck factored into their success to accept it as a deserved reality.
Hmm, does that mean that the old saying, “Life is suffering and then you die,” is true?
I was going to wriggle out of this philosophical dilemma by saying something about keeping in mind the fact that this cartoon is set in hell. That would imply that the life I’ve led has also been a kind of hell, but I’ve got to admit that regardless of what I’ve just said, my life has been and still is one of so much joy that it feels a lot more like heaven.
And yet….
Hold on. This is getting entirely too complicated. Looks like it’s time for me to stop overthinking and start meditating.