UK proposes letting tech firms use copyrighted work to train AI

Yes, it’s true. I found this at the newly revived TVWriter.Com website. (Excuse the plug.) Plus: You wouldn’t believe the contortions I had to go through to get Copilot to show me the pic. Maybe I’ll post about that experience later.

UK proposes letting tech firms use copyrighted work to train AI
Dan Milmo and Robert Booth

Campaigners for the protection of the rights of creatives have criticised a UK government proposal to let artificial intelligence companies train their algorithms on their works under a new copyright exemption.

Book publishers said the proposal put out for consultation on Tuesday was “entirely untested and unevidenced” while Beeban Kidron, a crossbench peer campaigning to protect artists’ and creatives’ rights, said she was “very disappointed”.

Under the proposals, tech companies will be allowed to freely use copyrighted material to train artificial intelligence models unless creative professionals and companies opt out of the process.

The changes are seeking to resolve a standoff between AI firms and creatives. Sir Paul McCartney has warned the technology “could just take over” without new laws while the government has warned “legal uncertainty is undermining investment in and adoption of AI technology.”

On Tuesday, News media organisations said that such a system would allow generative AI firms to “shirk their responsibilities”. Kidron said: “The government is consulting on giving away the creativity and livelihoods of the UK creative sector which is worth £126bn a year”….

Read it all at the Guardian

And here’s what Paul McCartney has to say

Categorized as News

The Real Reason Why Americans Approve of Trump’s Disastrous Transition

This pic has nothing to do with the article below it. It does, however refer to a problem I'm having.


[NOTE FROM LB: At the very end of this article about – sorry – politics and its new relationship with current media, the writer answers his own very important question. I’m not going to give away the question because I think the whole article is worth reading, but here’s the answer (which really gives away the question but so does the title so what the hell)].

In sum: The transition approval is more proof that the right-wing media has won. Disinforming is the new informing. And it’s spreading to more and more mainstream outlets. The only question, which more and more of us are asking, is when the liberal establishment in this country will wake up and tackle this problem.”

Read it all

Laughing Eagle

Funny? Wise? Blasphemy?

(see more by Man Martin on Facebook)

Man Martin strikes again!

He’s been revising the Judeo-Christian Bible for several weeks now, chapter by chapter.

Whatta you think? Will the Bible survive?


(via good ole GoComics.Com)