Love Seeing The Silver Surfer Animated Series Back in the News

(via - the image accompanying the original article below)

Strange But True Dept:

CBR.Com, a major player in the comics/film/tv industry, has an article of great interest to me today, so I thought I’d share it. Brace yourselves, kids. It’s called 10 Best Animated Shows With Only One Season and starts like this:

10 Best Animated Shows With Only One Season by Lily Emalfarb

Entertainment is one of the most unpredictable industries, and animation is no exception. Many beloved shows were only granted one season due to budgetary restrictions, cancelations, low ratings, or even creative choices. Despite only having a single season, many shows developed large fan bases and huge cult followings that were left craving more with the worlds they fell in love with….

After which it continues with this:

10 Silver Surfer

Created by Larry Brody, Silver Surfer centers around the comic book character, Silver Surfer, as he travels the galaxy in search of a planet that isn’t Earth for his master to destroy. One of the most powerful superheroes, creators brought a new life to Silver Surfer’s character, showcasing his strengths without The Fantastic Four.

Silver Surfer gained immediate praise from fans and critics, making its cancelation shocking. The show only lasted for thirteen episodes, and while there are many rumors regarding its cancelation, Brody claimed it was due to a legal dispute, though some believe it was a result of Marvel’s bankruptcy. Regardless, fans remain hopeful that there will be an up-to-par reboot.

I recognize that Ms. Emalfarb doesn’t consider this the best of the Top Ten – that’s a show called The Midnight Gospel that I’m definitely going to have look at, but I’m excited that recognition has been given to the show and as a result everyone at late, lamented Saban Entertainment who contributed to it.

Thanks, CBR.Com, for brightening my morning. I loved working on Silver Surfer and also “remain hopeful that there will be an up-to-par reboot,” especially one that brings the old animation crew back together for more idealistic interstellar surfing.

Read the entire article HERE