Here’s what it all comes down to…

Recently – like since the various dawns of publishing, films, and TV – it’s become a common joke – or maybe wisdom – that deep in our hearts all of us believe we’re writers/creators. Today’s Dennis the Menace shakes that up a bit, and I tend to agree with the result. Not only are we all creators, we’re also characters in what some other-dimensional/other delusional amateur has created.

I mean, how else do we explain…everything?



Cynicism or Wisdom? You Decide


Wait! There’s more:

(found on the interwebs)
(found on the interwebs)
(found on the interwebs)

One More for the Road

(found on the interwebs)

And the worst thing about today’s post is…

(are you ready?)

…There’s so much more like this to come.


Last Sunday’s Best Comic Strips

…By which I, of course, mean yesterday’s:

Gwen’s Fave (aka why i love her)

My New Oncologist’s Fave (aka why i love her)

This Would Have Been My Late Mother’s Fave (aka why i loved her)


Aging or Cynicism…?

…Which of the words in this post’s title are these cartoons really about?

Both? Neither? How young or old do we have to be to believe we know?

And while I’m at it, what’s the difference between “I think that…” and “I believe that…?” Hmm, I think I know, but…

(via good ole GoComics.Com)