As Marvin Gaye, my neighbor (back when I lived in Hidden Hills, CA), sang so well, “What’s going on?”
Over the last couple of months I’ve been flooded with surprise requests from fans I didn’t know I had, asking if they could interview me about StarTrek: THE ANIMATED SERIES, SILVER SURFER, SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED, and SPIDERMAN. Some wanted to use my words in their narration of YouTube posts about one or another of those shows. Others wanted to put my take on things in various books they’re writing.
I’m really not interested in talking about any of my past shows, because those things take a hell of a lot more prep time than most interviewers think and as far as I’m concerned every question that could be asked has already been answered on various posts on places like TVWriter.Com. Plus – and this is possibly my biggest objection – why reveal all the holes in my memory?
Still, all this unexpected interest seemed pretty cool and I was curious about whereit could lead, so I agreed to most of my interrogators, with the proviso that they acknowledge my responses as my intellectual property and agree to use them only in the context of their specific project.
I’ve never heard back from any of them.
Don’t know “what’s going on,” but I suspect that at minimum I’ve escaped more aggravation than my life has room for.