A Meme for the Ages

(the wonderful world of AI art)

It’s all-purpose! Check this out!

Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should buy it.

Just because you love horses doesn’t mean you should go all rodeo when you ride one.

Just because something looks cool doesn’t mean you should do it.

And this observation for budding authors, from the late Harlan Ellison:
“Just because you love to read doesn’t mean you should write.”

Reader contributions welcome!

Today’s Important Lesson in Agriculture

TIL that when you’re gardening in the Pacific Northwest, it’s very important to plant trees, shrubs, et al native to the region, which means that they can continue to exist – and thrive – regardless of the up and down extremes of local weather.

One of my neighbors (see the pic above) just learned that lesson the hard way. What did he do wrong? He thought the current hot spell would be a problem and – gulp – overwatered.

This has been a public service message by:

Laughing Eagle