I Needed This

(by Peter Kuper, via TheDailyCartoonist.com)

In many ways, the cartoon above, in which artist Peter Kuper pays tribute to the amazing 90+ year old Jules Feiffer, has come just in time to, at the very least, make my day.


Ever Heard of Isaac Bashevis Singer?

He was a brilliant Jewish-American writer who wrote in Yiddish to keep the language alive.

He was also the first Jewish-American existentialist, even though no one ever thinks of him that way.

Well, almost no one. Kareem Abdul Jabar does. Because if there’s one thing Kareem does well, and always has done well, it’s knowing the score. His column today, about a number of things is, to put it simply, brilliant, and I was especially impressed by his Daily Quote:

  • Kareem’s Daily Quote: I confess to believing in something without rational proof.

You can find the full text of his thinking on this subject, along with much more…

Trump’s Trade War with Mexico and Canada is Going to Cost us A Lot & ChatGPT Proves to be Better Than Doctors at Diagnosing


Here’s what it all comes down to…

Recently – like since the various dawns of publishing, films, and TV – it’s become a common joke – or maybe wisdom – that deep in our hearts all of us believe we’re writers/creators. Today’s Dennis the Menace shakes that up a bit, and I tend to agree with the result. Not only are we all creators, we’re also characters in what some other-dimensional/other delusional amateur has created.

I mean, how else do we explain…everything?



The Easiest Path to Wisdom…

(via good ole GoComics.Com)

…Is to let others lead the way.

My many years of writing, writing, and more writing in search of, among other things, the meaning of life have finally exhausted me. The next step probably should have been to use whatever time is left to me to relax and live a little, but I seem to have gotten used to a much easier path:

(via good ole GoComics.Com)
(via good ole GoComics.Com)

I think that what I really wish I’d done – and currently was doing – is what the lead character here has:

(via good ole GoComics.Com)

Hmm…upon further pondering I’m thinking that as usual in what real life I’ve had and am having, all of the above are applicable, to me, to you, to just about everyone. Whaddaya know?

(via good ole GoComics.Com)